Find The Most Popular on Social Media

Fan Page List categories to filter searches

To the Point Logo

Using provides an easy way to drill down into who, and what brands, are most popular in social media. There are useful filters to find people and brands relevant to your industry. Use these results to find people and brands to follow. This shows your potential followers that you align yourself with the best. It also keeps you up-to-date with the key players in social media related to your field.

If your industry is small, or somewhat obscure, this might require a bit of digging to find brands of interest. Look for brands that are loosely related, and then see who they follow. This can point out great brands to follow that may not be sexy enough to make the big lists.

Trending on Facebook and Twitter

By hovering over Top Users, a second menu line appears below that provides links to Trending Facebook and Trending Twitter. Currently sports, celebrities, and some politicians are trending. These tools can indicate areas of interest that you may be able to use for content on your website, or your own Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Drill into the top trends

Search the Top Trending

It also provides an opportunity to study why someone might be trending. Some will be obvious and not relevant, like the VP running mate selection. Look for the hot trends that are surprising and click onto their page. What is the conversion like? Are their images and videos that are compelling and pulling in followers? How are they capitalizing on these new followers? Learn what you can from these real world examples and how you can incorporate what you learn into your own social media tactics.

Any Hidden Opportunities?

As you search around, you may notice areas that seem underserved. Maybe there’s an opportunity to enter an area as a test to determine if building an audience holds promise. Explore a bit more to decide if data might be missing, or if there’s a reason why no one yet has built their own following.

Travel news category has no FaceBook presence

Where’s are the FB Pages?